
Posts Tagged ‘fat free’


A few weeks ago, we had Chinese takeout at a friend’s house. I hadn’t had Chinese food in years (seriously), but for some reason, I found that I had a craving for egg drop soup.

It was very, very good!

So good that I wanted more! I really didn’t think that it would be easy to do – for some reason, I thought it was a long and complicated soup… something I could only get at a Chinese restaurant.

After Googling recipes, I was surprised to learn that it’s actually a pretty simple soup to make. Most use only a handful of very common ingredients – I didn’t even have to make a special trip to the grocery store!

The end result was okay – not great. The broth could’ve been better, but I think that’s just due to the vegetable stock that I used. I plan on making it again very soon, and next time, I’ll try a chicken broth.

And I think I over-stirred the egg right after I added it. It looked too broken-up.

… and the color is off. I think it should be more yellow. But that could be the vegetable broth thing.

Egg Drop Soup

1 egg, beaten
2 cups vegetable stock
1/2 tsp. cornstarch
dash of ground ginger
splash of soy sauce
chopped green onions


Step 1: Heat the stock over medium heat. Add the ginger and soy sauce.

Step 2: When it boils, take 2 tablespoons of the stock and mix it with corn startch to make a slurry. Once combined, add the slurry back into the stock and bring it back to a boil. Meanwhile, beat the egg.


Step 3: Let the soup boil until it is slightly thickened, about 5-10 minutes. Then slowly mix in the beaten egg.

Step 4: Remove the soup from the heat and top with green onions.

Serves 1

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